Getting Started

Choose from different methods to get started with Karpenter

To get started with Karpenter, the Getting Started with Karpenter guide provides an end-to-end procedure for creating a cluster (with eksctl) and adding Karpenter.

See the AKS Node autoprovisioning article on how to use Karpenter on Azure’s AKS or go to the Karpenter provider for Azure open source repository for self-hosting on Azure and additional information.

See the Deploy Karpenter on Alibabacloud’s ACK to know how to use Karpenter on Alibabacloud’s ACK. Or you can go to the Karpenter-provider-alibabacloud for more details.

If you prefer, the following instructions use Terraform to create a cluster and add Karpenter:

Although not supported, you could also try Karpenter on other Kubernetes distributions running on AWS. For example:

  • kOps: These instructions describe how to create a kOps Kubernetes cluster in AWS that includes Karpenter.

Learn more about Karpenter and how to get started below.

Getting Started with Karpenter

Set up a cluster and add Karpenter

Migrating from Cluster Autoscaler

Migrate to Karpenter from Cluster Autoscaler